Saturday, March 9, 2013

Samsung Galaxy S3 And Galaxy Note 2 - Check If Your Phone Is Vulnerable, How To

Recently, reports revealed that the lock screen feature of the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2 smartphone has a security flaw.  

Initial reports insisted that the lock screen could be side-stepped briefly; however, later it was revealed that the vulnerability is complete and lets hackers break into the lock screen of the Galaxy S3.
Terence Eden, a mobile enthusiast, discovered the bug that allows one to briefly access the home screen of the Galaxy Note 2.
Step 1: Lock the device using the affected security lock screen types i.e. Pattern Lock, PIN, Face Unlock, and Password.How To Check Your Galaxy Note 2 For Vulnerability:
Step 2: Next, switch on the screen.
Step 3: Next, press Emergency Call tap followed by tapping Emergency Contacts.
Step 4: Press the Home button once.
Step 5: Next, after pressing the Home button, tap on any app/widget which is displayed on the Home Screen.
Step 6: If your device is vulnerable, tapping on the widget would prompt it into action without the Galaxy Note 2 being unlocked screen.
How To Check Your Galaxy S3 For Vulnerability:
To check if your Samsung Galaxy S3 has the security flaw and is vulnerable follow the steps below:
Step 1: On the code entry screen, press Emergency Call.
Step 2: Next, tap Emergency Contacts.
Step 3: Press the Home button once.
Step 4: Next, after pressing the Home button, press the power button quickly.
Step 5: If your device is vulnerable, pressing the power button again will bring you to the S3's home screen.
According to McMillan, this method may sometimes take a few tries to work and is not successful every time. The million dollar question: Is the Galaxy S3 really safe for enterprise users, as Samsung claims?
Is your Galaxy smartphone affected by the bug? Tell us in the comments.

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